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My horse had had some damage to the suspensory. We have records from early this year. It was amazing to see that while there was slow progress between April and September, the progress in the month following the Vivastem was as my vet said, “marked.” We were both astonished as he told me that normally the healing slows down as more time passes. In this case, it was the opposite. It sped up “markedly.” We were incredulous. Needless to say, we are very excited and so is my vet. He just called me asking for permission to show the ultrasound images to his other clients. I would definitely like to try it on two other horses I have at my barn.

Akiko Y.

I have a horse named Raz that has been in my care for 4 years. He was treated in 2003 for EPM with the product Marquis. Lately he was having tripping issues, lack of desire to cantor, weak tail pull, and generaly hard to ride. There is a lack of different medication available from vets to treat EPM, so I was pleased to have Raz a part of the Vivastem study. Since being treated he has improved overall. He is more willing to go forward, he is not tripping, and his tail pulls have become normal. I am very pleased with how Vivastem has helped this horse.

Sue U.

I wanted to tell you how excited we are with Fred’s progress. He just acts like he is more comfortable. His head set was always a challenge and now when lunging, he is rounding his back and his nose is in. It is incredible! He is trotting so cute! We have loped him on the line a time or two. He can make a circle without switching leads or cross firing. Thank you so much VivaStem.

Jeri W.

We injected my horse Wednesday, and I can honestly say the bump on his leg that has been there since last November when he hurt his suspensory was down by 50%. I’m assuming this would be in the good progress category!
He also felt better under saddle. Less guarding of that leg in his movement.
Something extraordinary is also happening with my horse, that I wondered if has happened with any of the others you have treated.
Since he is an IR/Cushings horse, he has had a hard, lumpy crest to his neck, for several years. It is almost gone now. His muscle tone also looks different.
He looks like a young horse again. Leaner, less fat, and definitely not a horse you would look at and say has Cushings. I can’t thank you enough for helping my horse.

Shannon P.

Gracie seems to be doing better. She is more willing to get up now and also able to get up with more ease. She also seems to be able to squat and pee a little more comfortably than before. She really was VERY hesitant to pee before because it was uncomfortable for her to squat. Also, her attitude seems a lot more cheery than it has been as of late. She didn’t seem to have ANY adverse reactions that we noticed from the injection.

Susy H.

I just want to thank you for your inclusion of my horse in your EPM study,
without Vivastem we had no hope for him.
Victor is an un-raced 10 year old Thoroughbred who was diagnosed with EPM in September of this year.
After being diagnosed Victor was then medicated for 10 days with Oroquin-10 paste and then 90 days of powered Decoquinate, There was slight improvement then his neurological signs worsened and the vet added 6 extra weeks of oral Lavamisole.
With this treatment we saw little improvement, he was still unstable behind.
Victor joined the VivaStem EPM study and since his injection he has improved beyond my expectations.
He no longer bunny hops or switches leads in the rear when he canters, he also no longer has an issue with picking up his left rear foot for cleaning and stands on all four feet instead of resting. He is much stronger in his haunches and is also no longer short strided in the rear in all his gaits.
Thank you for giving me my horse back!

Jennifer J.

I purchased Comanche, a 19 year old pinto in December 2009 for my 13 year old son to ride. We had a great 2010 trail ride season with my son and husband enjoying many 2-3 hour trail rides aboard Comanche. During spring 2011 Comanche began to lag behind, trip and stumble during moderately difficult terrain, he had also lost weight over the winter despite increasing rations. he was ataxic walking in his pasture and nearly fell stepping down approximately eight inches to exit the barn.
At one point during a hot July ride he sat down in the river and it took four attempts for him to rise because of the loose sandy river bottom, this struggle spent his muscle energy and he was wobbly and unstable so I ended up walking on foot 2 miles back to the equestrian parking area. Because of these events I no longer felt safe allowing my son to ride Comanche.
Comanche was injected with Vivastem. On 9-16-12 I rode him on a two hour easy walking trail ride and he felt very good and I did not have fears of him not being able to move properly on his hind quarters. Throughout the fall we continued to go on weekly trail rides and started some easy rolling terrain that Comanche managed without difficulty. Backing out of the trailer which had been difficult for him prior to Vivastem was now normal. His affect and attitude are brighter and he is more inquisitive about his surroundings.
Thank you,

Jeri W.

I did want to tell you also that seeing how well Hope has recovered after her Vivastem injection I am so hopeful that Yannick has a chance to be a healthy adult horse. I am so thankful that he was able to be diagnosed so early and he didn’t have to go years without any treatment to help him recover from the EPM, like Hope did. Actually with Yannick if it hadn’t been for the Vivastem I would have had to have him put down. So again, thank you for having Yannick in the study and giving him a second chance.

Shannon P.

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